Happy All Hallow's Eve
Back in the day, one of our favorite things around this time of the year, was the Halloween programming offered by various DJs over the years on KBOO, Portland's listener supported FM radio station.
First I used to listen to the nearly six-hour long mix offered up by Mr. B and Equinox. They played a pretty tame show, mainly lots of novelty Halloween songs mixed in with Punk, New Wave and the occasional prog-rock track, all with a horror/supernatural theme.
Later in the mid-eighties, it was the Autonomy Hour, which featured Post-Punk and Industrial/Noise every Thursday night , and their Halloween program was always frightening and dark. Kathy Fors took over the reigns of that program after rotating hosts and her Halloween programs continued to get darker every year. Lots of industrial and extreme Gothic music (before the genre had a formula) played equal time with movie soundbites and real life serial killer interviews. Extreme Christian whacko music played over the top of apparently genuine satanic music. I tried to catch her show every year, and have taped many hours of it.
In that light(?) we offer the following mix of creepy music and sound.
We can't claim to be able to make you convulse with dread, as her programs did, but hope you accept this little trick or treat in the spirit it's offered.
Happy Samhain.
B'il Sabab, -Man with an Aim.
Kill Ugly Radio part 666
mp3 65 min. (58 megs)
(I posted this earlier in the month and am bumping it up again.
Thanks so much to Sauceruney for hosting this ghoulish offering. ~Chardman)
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